Sunday, June 26, 2005

past the point of wanting to return

I've offically lost it.

It happened today at approximately 6:17.
In the stifling heat
of our incredibly cramped
hostel room.

I'm not sure what exactly pushed me over the edge.

It might have been
the four flights of stairs
carrying the stroller
in 100 degree opressive heat
I think what finally did it was
having to step over laundry somewhere between the third and fourth floor
stepping into a room faintly reeking of baby shit.

I sat against the wall and started to cry
feeling very

A cold shower helped

Now I am just hoping against hope that tomorrow will be better
It can't get worse

Saturday, June 18, 2005

16 minutes at the BK

Hey, you'll never guess where I am blogging from...
Burger King,in Lugano. Zou get 30 minutes free with everz meal. So,I think it is worth feeling sick from fast food for such an...exotic...local from which to blog from.

Not much new, that is to say, too much new to write in 14 minutes. Here's a small recap.

Marseille (So. of France) verz nice, should have spent one more day. The car rental tried to jack us out of money surprise surprise. Nice hotel, terrible rainstorm.

Genoa or Genova on the map, but don't pronounce it genovah because that isn't right. It was cool ONCE loooong before we saw it. I kept trying to picture it in its original gradeur, the way zou see a reallz old man and trz to imagine him back when we was virile. But in the end it was just depressing. But the gelato was good and cheap.

Lugano: Ever so lovelz to be back in Switzerland where it is clean and clean and Edith and Yannick are here. It is wonderful to have some Baby relief. Speaking of pea, she has two monstrous molars, reallz quite scary. She is doing so well, but she is eating . Bread and the occasional Babybel cheese. We hope that this week she'll get back to eating at least one or two vegetables. I'm getting ready to come home, but am not looking forward to living in a studio again. Why oh why can't everz house be built in 7 days like on TV.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Holy crap;

Originally uploaded by ewyler.
I can blog pictures from Edith's page...
How cool is that shit?!

Here's my caption: EVERYONE drinks in Europe.

Link to some photos that don't

show Nora's new haircut.

They are on Alec'S Aunt's flickr page and I'm sure she won't mind all of you tromping over there to take a quick look...Right Edith?

So, we leave Paris on Monday and I can't believe that it has happened so quickly. We have a babysitter coming tonight who is giving us some time to have a civil dinner.

I forgot how completely tiring visiting a place is. Everyday you truck out there ready to cram as much info and sites as possible into a few hours, walking everywhere because go forbid you should be underground and not SEE something and a cab? we all know the only thing you look at in a cab is the meter!

We did manage to get a membership to the local video store across the street. Boy an addict will do anything to get their drug of choice eh?!

Okay, today I am tres fatigue and tres uninspired to write...sorry!

Friday, June 03, 2005

In which I rant and make several errors

Anybody read that David Sedaris book where he speaks with a lisp and so just avoids using words that have ssses. That is how I feel about the french keyboard. The letters A W M Z . and all the numbers are srewy. All this time and I didn't know how many words needed an m or a w, I mean A, of course that one you'd expect. Anyway I've used up most of my patience with the keys with that little analogy.


The woman who rented us the apartment...I emailed her to tell her that the shower curtain had so much mildew on it that it was unhygenic, she emailed back that she doesn't know what mildew IS, I guess she is one lucky lady. Anyone have a worthy translation for MILDEW?

We are getting eaten alive by something. Each day more and more little bites appear on our arms and legs, do you think she knows what bed bugs are? Alas, we've not seen anything that seems like it could be the culprit.

On the up side***

We had a great day today. We went to the Luxumbourg Gqrdens where they have an amazing playground for kiddies (that's what everyone calls them) and Nora had a friggin ball. There was a group of preschoolers who were intriqued by the thing behind her ear; one of them felt behind her ear to see if she had one too. The sky clouded over and because I had taken the parapluie out of my backpack this morning it started to pour, all the kiddies ran for cover and there was mass hysteria, but in a good way. Nora enjoyed the fuss, but still wanted to play in the rain and she did have a few compatriots.

After the park, Nora fell asleep and we had a wonderful lunch in a noisy, crowded and perfectly Parisian restaurant.

It has come to our attention that Nora reqires some time out of her stroller during the day. Accordingly, we've alloted 11 til 12 for free for all sand throwing/eating, running around, screeching. After that, it is naptime, no negotiations!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A Paris

At last my appetite for massive quantities of Petite Bateau clothing at cheap prices has been satiated. Alec and I shopped the day away yesterday, finding veritable bargins at every turn.
The apartment is a little less than impressive. It is close to the metro and technically speaking it is still in the city limits (the border is across the street). I'm impressed at the photos that were on the woman's website and looking around the apartment I find myself wondering where exactly she was standing to take the majority of them. It reminds me of our apatment in Beacon Hill, only this place is smaller and now we have a baby. Course it is better than what we've got in CA, at least here there is another room to escape to.
Nora is doing pretty well considering she has cut about 2 molars and still has another two that she is working on: Her new schedule is bed around 8p.m.(or 6p.m.tonight because she wouldn't eat her dinner); up at 6:10; nap around noon. Considering all we're asking of her she does really really well. Today, for the first time, she fell asleep in her stroller, which allowed us a chance to have a civil lunch at a cafe looking up at the Sacre Couer. My time is running low so I have to now look for hostels in Marseille....Email Me, I forgot all your email addresses but I can still access my account.