Friday, June 10, 2005

Link to some photos that don't

show Nora's new haircut.

They are on Alec'S Aunt's flickr page and I'm sure she won't mind all of you tromping over there to take a quick look...Right Edith?

So, we leave Paris on Monday and I can't believe that it has happened so quickly. We have a babysitter coming tonight who is giving us some time to have a civil dinner.

I forgot how completely tiring visiting a place is. Everyday you truck out there ready to cram as much info and sites as possible into a few hours, walking everywhere because go forbid you should be underground and not SEE something and a cab? we all know the only thing you look at in a cab is the meter!

We did manage to get a membership to the local video store across the street. Boy an addict will do anything to get their drug of choice eh?!

Okay, today I am tres fatigue and tres uninspired to write...sorry!

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