Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Nora and Jessica
Originally uploaded by jegoffin.
My best friend Jessica is moving to Seattle in a few months. We've known for some time that she would be doing this. In fact, I counseled her to move. All of the reasons for her to move are very good ones, the thing is--I'm really going to miss her. Thinking back, I have often advised my friends to move, especially when they are stuck in a rut. I think it is because I really like moving. Finding a new place to live is exciting. I even like packing and unpacking. Call me crazy, but I really should have married somone who's work involved moving. But, I am sure that if I had to move every few years I would soon grow tired of making new friends and setting up house. Especially now with kids, it makes sense to stay put. Essentially, we are not moving in the near future.
As tempting as Portland is with its appeal of homeownership and complete independence. We haven't been appreciating what we have here. Beautiful weather almost year-round, free babysitting just 200 yards away, a beautiful brand new house, and friends. Nora has friends here as to I and Alec. Our work situations couldn't be more ideal. I am working from home, part-time and Alec is about to start an incredible work situation. So, eventhough I am getting the three-year itch to move again, I'm putting down roots.
I'll have to live vicariously through Jessica: hiring a U-Haul, packing, selling stuff, planning it all--except at the end of it all I will just be left behind, missing my buddy.


meeralee said...

That must have been a hard decision to make, sweetie, but it sounds like you're both sure about what makes the most sense for you right now. I'm so sorry your best friend is moving! I always tell myself there's no point trying to locate yourself near your friends, since everyone's lives change so much -- but it's still tough when someone you love leaves, or you leave them.

You can live vicariously through us this summer, too!

(Thanks for posting more Benjamin pictures. :-))

jessicasully said...

This makes me sad. It is crazy how life changes. Instead of you leaving me, I am sad to say that I am leaving you and my second family. I love all of you all...especially my Elizabeth. We have been through so much together and because of it all we are better friends. You make me a better person and I can NOT EVER imagine not having you in my life. Now you guys can just come visit me, or I can come and visit you back in paradise. I love you Elizabeth, I hope you know that.