Friday, February 02, 2007

Babies, Toddler, and two cats

The "o" face
Originally uploaded by jegoffin.
Hello. We have a lot of beings in our house. Who would have thought that adding one new baby would have had such a exponential effect on our family. Suddenly, the neediness of the cats and nora and myself are amplified. What was left of y me time has been drastically reduced and I find myself getting mad at the smallest things. For example, Nora has this new baby Einstein CD (actually I think it may have been a gift to Benjamin) and it is awful. The music vaguely resembles classical music but with synthesizers. Yuck!!!!!! I bought Nora a CD with far better classical music on it that is played on actual instruments but this morning she insisted on the crappy version. I got so pissed because I am so sick and tired of doing what she wants. TV: winnie the fucking pooh or bambi. Music: she'll be coming round the mountain or baby fucking Einstein. If we're inside, she wants to go outside, if we're outside she wants to go inside. And I won't even go into the food issues. Basically, I'm running on very little sleep and I feel like a milk dispenser and I want to go to Target and get lunch with a friend and maybe see a movie. Simple little things really.

Sorry, just need to whine a bit!

1 comment:

JoBiv said...

I was just at Target yesterday, thinking of our detours on the days when da babe was content.

I totally know which Baby Einstein you're talking about. It's horrendous; a slap in the face to Mozart, Handel, Verdi... I suggest you throw it out with one of Benjamin's diapers.