Thursday, December 14, 2006

Soon, no really...

I'm finally off work! My last day was Tuesday, I was hoping to use these next two weeks to relax and get ready for baby, but...Nora's daycare is closed starting next week, for two weeks! So I have basically yesterday and today to fly solo. Yesterday I went to several stores, like a madwoman, gathering the last items necessary for Christmas packages. Last night I made cookies, today I am packaging everything up so that I can mail it out. Phew!

On Monday night I woke up at 3:00 AM with Braxton Hicks contractions. They went away after a few hours but it means my body is getting ready to have this baby. I am excited but also nervous. I know that I have been through this before, but it is still hard work, hence the name Labor. Also, two kids? What the hell were we thinking?! We barely get enough sleep as it is. Nora regularly wakes up at 5:00 or earlier. But the thought of a little bundle that will become a bonafide person within just a couple years, that is just amazing! Oh yeah and they smell absolutely divine!

I also finished my web design class on Monday. Here is the result:


meeralee said...

Hon, that site looks so good! She must be so pleased with it! Yayyyyyyy you! Having a baby _and_ helping other people find a person to help them have babies! :-)

meeralee said...

Hon, that site looks so good! She must be so pleased with it! Yayyyyyyy you! Having a baby _and_ helping other people find a person to help them have babies! :-)