Monday, April 17, 2006

Look Ma, I'm a Pro

Easter Family Portrait
Originally uploaded by jegoffin.
I've finally become a Flickr Pro. Are you happy now, Ali?
This picture is from yesterday, Easter. We had a nice time. My sister came down with her two girls, Morgan and Samantha. And then she drove home without them. That's right, I have three girls for the next few days. If I had These threee girls my life would be pretty darn sweet. Nora loves them and they are so nice. Also they're pretty much raised, so they can help out with Nora, it's pretty wonderful to have someone else (really two sommeone elses) to tell her she can't put her feet up on the table or go outside barefooted. And the weather is finally clearing up. I don't know if I've whined enough about the dreary days of rain we've been enduring, but let me assure you they were Awful. Today we are going to the beach and tomorrow we're going to a photo shoot, my fourth and Nora's second....more on that later.
Here's hoping for a week of sun and house construction leading to finishing the damn place!

1 comment:

Ali said...

Yes, I am so proud of you! ;-)