Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I regret to inform you that there has been another poop incident

I didn't take pictures this time, but you can use your imaginations, oh wait, you don't need your imaginations, just refer to the earlier pictures. Main differences this time: It wasn't on her face, it wasn't all over the wall, just part of the wall, it wasn't all over the crib, just on part of it, Alec had already left for work lucky dog. This time I made Nora sit in time-out/naughty seat for nearly ten minutes. Also my poor nieces got an up-close look at what having a child can be like. One is adopting an older child, the other is an eternal optimist. Me, I can not figure out why she is doing this, furthermore I can not figure out HOW TO MAKE HER STOP. Today I am taking away her priveledges, like a two-year-old knows what that means, no Pooh, Piglet, or Roo. No playing with make-up, no jelly beans. I have no idea if this will work, like most parenting it's learn as you go.


meeralee said...

What does she say when you ask her why she did it?

(I am going to tell my sister what she has to look forward to. ;-))

J E said...

She won't say anything, I asked her about forty times in the bath tub, but I got nada.
All day she has been saying things like, "Make Mommy upset. Make Daddy upset, too. Make Nora upset" whenever we talk about it. Its like she has separated herself from the person who actually did the deed.

meeralee said...

That's an advanced psychological tactic -- smartypants! :-)

I dunno. But at least you'll be able to get your revenge when she's old enough to be embarrassed. And it'll be sweet.