Friday, January 27, 2006


I've run out of bandwith on Flickr.
I've uploaded this pic directly from my computer. I can't decide if I should become a flickr pro. Any suggestions?

Today, Nora and I are going over to our friend's house. Consisting of Nancy, her son Marc, and her daughter Betsy. I met her through work. Her husband works in my department and they moved here in July from Pasadena. I'm not sure what possessed me to call her first. I just had a feeling. Turns out I was right. She is an intelligent, funny, thoughtful, and easy to be with. Her kids are great too. Marc is a few months older than Nora, but they get along really pretty well, expecially considering that Nora is a hitter, and we expect Marc to share all his toys with her when we visit. Besty is about the sweetest little baby ever. She is eight months old and Nora LOVES her. Have I mentioned Nora's pre-occupation with dollies and babies? Dolls are great, but real live babies? what could be better.

Well, I better get off my duff, because the cleaning lady is coming in half and hour and I need to pick up before she gets here.


Unknown said...

Aw shucks. When someone says something so nice about you it kind of forces you to get your own blogger acct. just so you can say "thanks, I like you too!". No opinion about flickr because I am completely ignorant about it. And the walkway looks very nice. I want one.

JoBiv said...

Hmm... I'd say wait two days til the month flips. Tadaa, sudden bandwith. Do you run out every month?

Did you read that Bloomers has a grandkid? Made me wonder if she'd be bubbly about Nora now. Although, when we brought Nora to Simmons that one time, both Cathie and Susan seemed smitten. I never expected Cathie to coo and play with a baby's toes... Nora DOES have star power!