Wednesday, February 01, 2006


This blog should be called "Me and Nora and the New House".
I've realized that I only think about posting when there is something to report about the house progress and when there isn't any news or pictures I try to come up with something to say to tide over till the next big house happening. Here is what I keep forgetting: No One Fucking Cares. I pride myself on not going on and on about my daughter, when really I've substituted the house for my child. People rarely ask me how Nora is is, mostly I get a "so how's the house coming" to which I reply, "Oh you know, it's a lot of work, but we're getting there." or "The cabinets should get here tomorrow" or "Trimming out the doors really makes a difference". Seriously? The ONLY people who care about this shit is people who have or are remodelling or building a house. Everyone else, not so much.

So Everyone else, we're moving at the end of the week and I think we might have a bit less house-related blogging as a consequence. Which begs the question, what the hell am I going to blog about?


JoBiv said...

You kidding me? Whatever you dish, I'll read.

Eunice Burns said...

Ditto! Feel free to talk about Nora, the house, etc., as much as you want!