Thursday, January 26, 2006


I found this photo on Edith's Flickr site and thought I'd steal it because it is a pretty cool picture containing all the nescessary pieces. Do I look human, check. Nora not crying, check. Interesting perspective, check. Cool lighting, check.

I don't have a lot to report this week. I am dropping back into that feeling of overwhelmingness. Technically we've supposed to be moving into the new house next week. The first in fact. But, I can't quite imagine that happening with things the way they are right now. I am finding it hard to get the energy together to accomplish little things in the evening. And my decision making is beginning to falter. I was a Macy's today, where I needed to spend $100 in order to get a free panini press (or maybe it is like 29.99, basically free) and I couldn't decide which towels to buy. AND I had already scoped out the selection on Tuesday, seriously what is the matter with me? In the end I didn't get any towels, instead I bought to outrageously expensive (but hugely on sale) shams to match my CK bedding. When I got to the desk they were out of the panini press (the whole point of the outing) but they managed to get one from a different store. So on a scale of successful shopping 1-10, I'd give it about a 6.

1 comment:

JoBiv said...

Wow, she's so little there! And that's not so long ago! It's a beautiful picture.

I'm thinking of you lately, jLiz. And really, I swear, you WILL move into that house. May you fill it to the super-cool rafters with panini...