Thursday, September 08, 2005

When Toddlers Dress Themselves

When Toddlers
Originally uploaded by jegoffin.
Vic and Faye left for Spain yesterday, for a month. I thought we'd just move right over there, that was the plan anyway. Then I realized how much I like my stuff. And their house feels big and dark and kinda cold even. Funny, I really like the warmth and coziness of the studio. But, today I started moving our stuff over there. Mircowave, toaster oven, and some food. I still need to move some clothes, and ultimately my Tivo, which means I really am committed.
The house is moving along very well, I almost can't believe that we will be moving in all in a matter of months. I don't even remember what all we have in storage only that we can get along with very, very little.
Watching the Hurricane survivors cope with the aftermath I'm struck again and again at how impermenent THINGS are. How much energy is spend in acquiring them, caring for them, and ultimately in saying goodbye to them. Yet, I take great joy in shopping, it is hard to reconcile the two sentiments.

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