Sunday, September 18, 2005

Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Originally uploaded by jegoffin.
I honestly have very little to say today. A very long weekend, but since we're over at Vic and Faye's I took this opportunity to upload so cute ass pictures from their computer. This was a few weeks ago, but we made pancakes this morning too. Click on the headless pictures on the flickr site, once you do her head magically appears.
By the way, I'm thirty now.


Eunice Burns said...

What happened to your phone number? I called your cell yesterday and it was out of service or something. And no one answered the house phone. I assume that's 'cause you're staying at Vic and Faye's, but where's the love? I mean, answering machine?

We need to talk! I'm a very, very, very bad friend, and I feel horrible about it.

P.S. Watch your mail for brown and what it can do for you.

meeralee said...

Happy happy, honey! I wanted to send you things, but we were away and of COURSE I did not write your address down in my handy little book. So it will be a late arrival winging its way to you, but a Turning30Surprise will be yours in the very near future!