Thursday, May 19, 2005

Knowing What is really important

Setting your TiVo for a six week absence is more than just a technical issue, it is also an exercise in evaluating your life.
What shows do I REALLY value (when there are only 20 hours of time available)? Here is what made the short list:

Starting Over ah duh. But I lucked out, because the season is winding up and there are only 5 or so new episodes. Had this not been the case I would have been fucked.
America's Next Top Model. Again luckily there are onlz (z and y is inverted on the swiss kezboard so please follow suit) two episodes left and one is a dumb recap episode. So onlz one.
Alias. onlz four new episodes.
Desperate Houswives, onlz three or so new episodes.

I think that covers it. Law and Order will probablz be sidelined for awhile which is okaz because I've seen most them.

So we arrived safelz. The plane ride went reallz well and now we are battling the jet lag. Hopefullz we'll kick that dog bz tomorrow. Edith live IN the Alps, I'm not kidding. You look out the window and bam, there thez are, these immese postcard-tzpe mountains complete with snowcaps. So beautiful and sort of surreal. We are trying to plan out our next week. We walked through the village of Schlans (where she lives) and talked to some of the villagers, very european....

More soon.


Eunice Burns said...

Fascinating. I mean about the TiVo prioritizing stuff. Oh, and Europe -- that's cool, too.

: )

Sarah said...

Oh good - I thought I was the only one who had an addiction to Starting Over.