Saturday, December 18, 2004

Saturday Mornings

Saturday Morning
Originally uploaded by jegoffin.
So, since we've been back in SB, or Santa Barbara for the uninitiated, we've gone EVERY Saturday morning to D'Angelo Bread for breakfast. DO NOT get this place confused with the chain sandwich shop on the East coast by the same name. This place is classy, you know, $9 waffles, $5 lattes, and $2.25 croissants...worth every penny of butter. In fact, the late, great Julia Child used to come here on occasion for breakfast. How do I know this? Well, Alec used to work here too. This is where he perfect the art of cappuccino and ruined me for all inferior coffee. We started a family tradition of coming for breakfast here every Saturday morning and it is an indulgence we love. This moring we had soft poached eggs with toasted croissants and strawberry preserves. YUM. Nora likes croissants and it is a real sign of love that I allow her any of mine.
P.S. it was in the 70's today! :)


JoBiv said...

And it's supposed to snow here - about four inches, I've heard. Sigh.

I'm glad you guys are treating yourselves at D'Angelo's (not the east coast nasty-ass sub shop), and it is indeed a sign of a good au pair's influence that Nora likes croissants. :)

Sarah said...

That sounds lovely! Nora looks wonderful and I'm glad she's developing Good Taste (croissants).