Thursday, December 16, 2004

Remember When

Remember When
Originally uploaded by jegoffin.
Still don't have my camera, so I'm reaching into the archives for this one. This picture is from exactly one year ago, give or take 4 days. Don't I look happy? I'd like to tell myself that the next time I'm pregnant I'll be happier, but let's be honest. How much can you look forward to gaining 35 pounds and then pushing aproximately 15 of those punds out at once.
Here's the funny thing though. I saw this pregnant woman at Gymboree yesterday and she looked sooo cute. Her daughter is 14 months and she looks about 5 months pregnant. WOW, I'm not sure when I'll be ready to do it all again. Speaking of Gymboree, I'm not sure we are going to continue after our free month is up because Nora just sits there and watches the other kids. Also, it is about a 10 minute drive away. In Boston this wouldn't really be a consideration, but here it is. I'm pretty sure we don't need to spend $175/12 weeks for her to watch other kids when we can go to the park for free.

1 comment:

JoBiv said...

You're a posting queen! My goodness! It's nice to hear from you so often!

Okay, just so you know, you looked damn cute pregnant. I know you think that people just say that to pregnant women to soothe their erratic hormones, but you really were cute as a goddamn button.