Sunday, November 14, 2004

Promises, promises...

Play Ball
Originally uploaded by jegoffin.
Okay, I know that I keep saying that I will post photos, etc tomorrow and then not following through. Well, I guess it is because I feel bad for signing off before completely finishing a blog entry.

This picture was taken by Alec today. Nora just acquired this new ball and she thinks it is the bee's knees. Today was so gorgeous. We went to the mall and then I went with Jessica to see her classroom. So much fun.

By the way, it took me a total of 4 hours to upload pictures and post this. What ever.

1 comment:

JoBiv said...

But aren't you SO glad you posted it? Now you get to hear our oohs and ahhs! Nora is so sweet. You know I miss her, of course. This picture is perfect. Bravo Alec!

And why don't you rub in your blissful California weather a bit more? G'head. It's 50 whopping degrees HERE, punk! Take that!

Love love love you...