Monday, November 15, 2004

Kiss Ma

Kiss Ma
Originally uploaded by jegoffin.
Nora is so smart (duh)! She gives kisses now...of course only when she wants to.
It is probably the cutest thing that she does (aside from taking naps and sleeping through the night).
Tonight Alec and I are going to talk to an insurance man, fun, fun, fun.
I am also waiting to hear from UCSB, about a reader job for the Children's Literature class starting in January. Everyone keep their fingers crossed.


Sarah said...

What a sweetie! (and Nora is cute, too - ha ha)
Is that Audrey's boudoir on top? Ooh la la!
Good luck with the reader job - you're perfect for it.


JoBiv said...

Two posts in a row! I feel a bit spoiled!

Sending good luck vibes for the UCSB gig...

Eunice Burns said...

I'm almost scared to post and tell you how damn cute your damn fam is, worried it'll send you back into oblivion, but I guess I'm a risk taker...

Damn, y'all are cute!!