Friday, August 17, 2007

Consult Me

So, I have decided to take one step forward in my dream of being paid to shop. I am hoping to start consulting on and decorating nurserys and children's rooms! I have definately thought about doing this before now, but I guess I just assumed that people loved to decorate a nursery and that it would not be a terribly good business plan. But after speaking with some friends and moms, I have come to realize that they don't actually relish the idea of scouring the web for that perfect piece of furniture or accessory that will set their kid's room apart. And we all like to bounce ideas off someone. I am hoping start working on my portfolio ASAP, starting with finishing Nora's room and getting it photographed. Then finishing Bubba's (temporary) room and photographing it and then moving him into Nora's room (redoing it in the process) and photographing it! I am already helping my friend redo her daughter's room 2000 miles away and I hope to help some in-town friends and perhaps even a pregnant friend too! Once I have a portfolio I would hope to develop a business plan and start getting paid to do this. Eventually, I would like to have a retail store that would house all of the fabulous things I find and have a space in back to meet with clients. I am inspired by so many placed that I have visited and, of course, by buying stuff for my own kids. I hope that I can keep the excitement and momentum up for this!


Sarah said...

That would be amazing! And you got loads of style--

meeralee said...

My sister, who sneakily followed my blog to yours, asked me today if you would take a long-distance assignment in Singapore. :-)

J E said...

Really!? That is quite a compliment. Email me so we can discuss further! jegoffinatyahoodotcom.

meeralee said...

Sweetheart, I think my sister was thinking about Asher's room in their new house, which might be a while in coming since they're doing all kinds of renovations on it before they move in. I'll definitely send her your email address though (if she hasn't already written it down after seeing it here ;-)).
