Thursday, April 26, 2007


Alec is stronger than I am.

I can't let the little bugger cry anymore, it is just too stressful for me. After the Monday cry-a-thon, I realized that Ben had rubbed his little feet raw. He rubs his feet together like a cricket when he is crying and thrashing around. He had used his long toenails to scratch his ankles and feet. Not a good look on an infant. Also, we have fleas. Faye thinks he has flea bites on his foot, but I don't. I have flea bites though. We got the cats on the Advantage stuff so that the entire house won't become infested.

I feel a little sad that I am not strong enough this week to battle it out with a four month old and win, but sleep deprivation will do that to a person. Speaking of which, I am going to go to bed now.

1 comment:

JoBiv said...

Oh god the cuts must be pitiful... I know you're exhausted but never forget that you know what you're doing. Just look at your gorgeous girl! You've always had good instincts. Love love love...