Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The sun is shining

Santa Barbara has this weird weather thing called "June Gloom" or "May Gray" depending on when it occurs, basically it means that we live in the equivilent of Portland, OR for about a month or so. It has been the last 3 or 4 weeks and it sucks. But now, the sun is out and I LOVE it. I realize that having the sun shine makes people happy, this is something that I know but I am always reminded of the truth of it at this time of year.

Other really important things that have happened/are happening:

Nora's room is done. We painted all weekend and the carpet went in on Monday. It looks great and I promise to take pictures soon.

There are no more workmen around anymore. I love the privacy.

Alison is coming for the weekend!!!! I have a million things planned and just found out that it is I Madonnari , my absolute favorite festival in Santa Barbara! I hope she has the stamina to keep up with my hectic schedule!

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