Friday, April 28, 2006

One of those days

Today sucks, so far.
Nora will not listen to me. Nora WILL not listen to me. NORA will not listen to me. Nora will NOT listen to me. Nora will not LISTEN to me. Nora will not listen to ME. If you think it was exhaustive to read that repeated line, imagine saying and everything else I've said today about fourteen times. I AM SICK OF REPEATING MYSELF.
She also torn the binding on a small pooh bear book that I miraculously found at a yard sale last month. It was a set of four that are exactly like the ones I had when I was little. When I saw the torn book I was way too upset. I had to leave the room. We are taking away all her books tonight, because this isn't the first (or second or third or fourth or fifth) time she's done it.
I haven't had a day like today in long time. One where people tell you how cute your kid is and you just want to laugh in their face and list all of the annoying things they've done in the past hour, and how it's enough to push you over the edge.
Thank goodness I am leaving for work in an hour and a half.

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