Friday, May 27, 2005

Still Bernen

Today is our last day in Bern. We´ve not done a whole lot, but that´s okay. We meant to take the train to a small town nearby called Murten, but after visiting the post office and spending 30 swiss francs to send 15 post cards, that´s like 25 bucks. So, we decided that we couldn´t afford to go anywhere today. Okay, that´s all a ruse we are really just lazy. Yesterday, we went to this like area called a lido, that is sorta like a dream for parents with kids, they have a kiddie pool and about three other pools for grownups. All around is grass and trees with shade. There is even an area that is fenced off for topless sunbathing. The kids were so funny, many of them were naked, some had underpants and a few has bathing suits. Nary a swimmer diaper to be seen. I liked that, kids pee in pools, live with it.
Today we´ve been to the train station to reserve seats on the Lausanne - Paris train for monday.That took nearly and hour and right at the end some old swiss ladies reprimanded us for letting Nora walk around barefoot were it was dirty. Um, Switzerland isn´t dirty...have you ever been to Italy?
About the new job...I´m getting excited, but also kind of sad that it is the end of my freedom. Well, actually, I´m sure it will actually mean a lot more freedom for me. It has full benefits eventhough it is part time. Also, if we can arange childcare amongst ourselves that means I get to take home the full salary. That will be great as all my student loans are coming due...
Tomorrow we leave for Lausanne and we´ll stay at Alec´s godmother´s. Should be cool.
Peace out.

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