Sunday, March 06, 2005

Leave that alone, please

I've gotten used to the lack of privacy, but damnit that's MINE!
In other words I'm used to peeing with the door open, but the fact of the matter is I've always been selfish. I like my stuff, a lot. I don't want other people touching my stuff without permission, especially people who bang my stuff on the floor after they've put it in their mouth. When I was little I loved playing dolls, but before we could play I always had to divide up the dolls and clothes. We'd take turns choosing what we wanted and to confess, this was my favorite part. After everything was chosen we could always borrow, but let's be honest, nothing matched the feeling of actually owning it. Nora has no appretiation for this concept. She take a sick little joy in cruising over to whatever it is I have or am doing and decides right then and there that in fact SHE must now do whatever it is: typing at the computer, eating, writing a letter. She's come to the conclusion that no matter how cool her phone is (which by the way plays do-ray-mi-fa-so-la-ti-doe) my phone is better, infinately better, even when turned off. So I've learned to deal with teeth scratches and settings I have no idea how to change, because the tantrum she throws is worse than the one I'm ready to throw.

1 comment:

JoBiv said...

You should both go to kindergarten. Sharing is caring, girls!