Sunday, October 01, 2006

Radio Flyer

Bike Rider
Originally uploaded by jegoffin.
We bought this trike for Nora almost a year ago. We put it together about three months ago and now she is finally able to ride it. She was too small at first, but she has been eating her veggies and can now reach the pedals. Another impediment to learning to ride is that our driveway though huge and flat, is gravel. Not so easy. She rides on our wrap-around deck a little (when there isn't tons of crap on it) but when she reaches the end she has to turn around and it is just painful to watch. So, we took her out to a big parking lot down the street yesterday morining where she could really open it up. She can't go fast enough to feel that thrill you get when riding a bike, but she loves it anyway.

We are spending the weekend getting ready for the big trip. It will be fun to have a little break in the monotony of our lives. Mostly, it will be great to see all our friends! I hope the weather cooperates with us. It is actually raining here today. But in a good way, the naping with cats, eating soup way. And that awful wildfire continues to burn so I am sure they are glad of the sprinkles. The fire has been burning since Labor day, and has burned something like 120,000 acres (I may have made that number up completely, but is is a reliably good guess).

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