Wednesday, July 05, 2006

She's big

Originally uploaded by jegoffin.
I figure Nora is nearly grown now. I mean I look at her and I literally can't believe she is little girl. Sooner than I think she'll be a big girl, writing in her diary, hanging out with her friends; she'll have her own life, indepent of me. Weird.

So, ya know it's time to make a new person. One who smells divine and can't live without me. We're right on schedule. I'm 15 weeks pregnant, which means I will probably be able to feel the baby move in the next couple weeks. This time around everything is moving much faster. My bump is HUGE and I'm already in my maternity pants. I guess I don't have as much time to spend thinking about being pregnant as before. I often forget that I am, until I catch strangers looking at my belly trying to discern whether or not I am pregnant.

We've hired a midwife. Her name is Anna and she's great. We are doing a homebirth this time around. And now that I am comfortable with the idea I'm getting kinda excited. I mean, no packing a bag, all my food nearby, a big comfortable bed, no nail-biting car rides during transition, and since I labored almost the entire time at home with Nora, I figure it won't be all that different. Except I won't have to go anywhere and I'll have someone with me how knows how far along I am. By the way the baby is due the day after Christmas (so I'm thinking mid-January) abd we're not finding out the sex this time.


Eunice Burns said...

Yay for new babies!

And yes, Nora looks all grown up. I can't even believe it.

Eunice Burns said...

This is NOT an ideal place to ask this, but did your address change with the new home? I just tried to email you, but it got bounced back. I am updating my records for the wedding invites! Let me know!