Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Big Idea

Okay, I had to stretch out my news on account of not having posted, for evor.

I love to shop and to decorate and to eat good food.

So, I want to open a shop that has baby and kid stuff. But cool stuff, stuff you don't find just anywhere. Things made by hand by local people (think custom diaper bags) and cool furniture that doesn't look like it came from Babies r Us (think modern, or maybe custom designed by Alec) and of course the coolest books, toys, and other necessities. But that's not all. What about a place to eat there too! A place that has something healthy and tasty for you, moms and dads, and something healthy and good for kids too (think fruit skewers and oatmeal waffles or hummus and veggies). A place where children can have their own tables and chairs and play area so that you might be able to talk with other adults while enjoying a meal, imagine the possibilities?

Not only would this place provide a place for parents (but primarily mothers) to socialize and buy cool stuff, but I see it as a place for mothers to discuss the issues that effects them, speakers and topics that will start a discourse and unite them.

Well, that is sorta it, for now. I'm starting to read about opening one's own business and what all research etc. one must do. I think this would be happening in a year or two. But I am excited to think and plan and think and plan. In other words, not so bored anymore.


Ali said...

i heart your idea!

meeralee said...

I give your idea a hug and tell it it's going to be amazing!


JoBiv said...

Suuuuch a good idea, jLiz! Oh my goodness... the nanny in me craves a place like that! I can just imagine the space, what your elegant touch would bring to it, you no-nonsense view of motherhood (going beyond the "awww, how cuuuuute" to the kid's actual needs and the mother's actual needs). You're so frickin' brilliant...