Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Originally uploaded by jegoffin.
Nora is hilarious, no really she is.
All you have to do is laugh and she thinks, "Hey that IS funny!" and joins right in.
She has really grown since the big ONE. In fact at the doctors office we found out her stats.
HC 30th percentile (that's head circumference)
Height 50th percentile
Weight 20th percentile
You know what's even funnier, I only have 30 more papers to grade! Holy Shit I thought I wasn't going to make it!

More soon.


Sarah said...

She's gorgeous! And good luck with the papers -

Ali said...

My virgin post. I just spent an hour catching up on all this, like since October. So can I go back for a sec? I KNOW WHAT CONTEST NORA FIRST WON! The baby pool at work. She schiestered all those editorial chicks out of their money. Way to go, Norster. Sorry, I know that was from, like, November or something, but I was behind. In other news, your writing rocks. I love reading this thing. And your daughter is so damn cute it's getting annoying because people keep stopping and looking over my shoulder to look at her. It's really annoying. But you get the point.